Sunday, March 14, 2010



We had a Mother's Day picnic here on top of Knocknarea. This was actually taken on top of Queen Maeve's cairn on top of the mountain. And it's not one of us, a tourist. It's a tradition to bring up rocks from the bottom and carry them to the top.

Friday, March 12, 2010



A quick snatched shot while I was in traffic in central Sligo end of day. I liked the bird at the end of the buIlding… and then the plane obligingly flew into view.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Markree chandelier

Markree chandelier

I like using the camera apps on the iPhone which come preset for particular styles. My two favourites are Polarize which does this sort of Polaroid look and Format 126 which recreates the Instamatic look from the mid-Seventies.

If I'm going to take a snap, it may as well have the fetishistic sheen of the crap cameras of my youth.